Our Uniform
Pupils are expected to wear the Harris Primary Academy Shortlands uniform at all times of the Academy day and on the way to and from school. Our uniform is designed to be smart, easy-care and affordable for all.
Our uniform supplier for branded items with the HPAS school logo is Wearabouts Schoolwear. Please order on line https://wearaboutsschoolwear.co.uk/product-category/primary-schools/harris-primary-academy-shortlands/ Items are not available through the Academy.
We have this year introduced a new book bag specifically for Reception and KS1 children. This can replace the school bag or be used alongside it. KS2 children are welcome to use the book bag but should also have the school bag.
Required Branded items available from Wearabouts Schoolwear
- V-neck Knitted Jumper or cardigan – blue - This item can be worn all year round.
- Tie – blue striped (Years 1-6) - This item can be worn all year round.
Other items available from any high street or on line outlet
- Trousers, skirt or shorts – grey
- Shirt with collar – white (long or short-sleeved)
- White Polo Shirt (Reception children only)
- PE t-shirt – plain white
- Tracksuit bottoms or shorts for PE – plain black
- Shoes – black (not trainers)
- Plimsolls (black) or trainers (black) for PE
- Summer dress - light blue check - Worn during Summer months
- Navy blue rucksack- KS2
- Navy blue bookback
Additional, optional items:
- Winter coat – plain blue, grey or black
- Branded Drawstring PE bag – navy blue (optional)
- Branded rucksack – navy blue KS2 (optional)
- Branded bookbag - navy blue Reception and KS1 (optional)
*Most uniform items are worn all year round. Please see additional context for specific items such as summer dresses.
Pre-loved uniform:
Throughout the academic year, the school will hold regular pre-loved uniform sales, provided by PATHS. Specific dates will be announced directly to parents, in advance of each sale. If pre-loved uniform is needed more urgently, please contact PATHS or the school office for assistance.